Friday 11 October 2013

Some word about Strategies

When you look up the definition of strategy, you get the following definition:

“A  plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim”

The word designed struck me, because often we find that companies just use a demo-strategy and implement it in their business. But he word strategy actually means that a unique different plan should be conceptualized through thorough research and attention to the purpose of the strategy.

In terms of social media, the first question to ask is: “What is the aim of the strategy?” The answer to this may be to get more traffic to your webpage via social media or to create an online community or get more likes on a page. However this answer is not complete enough. One could even go further into it and ask why you want to get more traffic to your webpage or to create an online community or get more likes on a page?

The answer to this question is not that simple, but it can be roughly explained. The purpose of your organisation should be pulled through all strategies in the business. This is called a single minded proposition which tells the costumer what the brand is all about. An example of this would be Coca Cola who’s singe minded proposition is Spreading happiness. With their strategy on social media the core reason for implementing a social media strategy apart from getting more likes or customers their strategy will be spreading happiness. This means that creating a playful page will be more important than sending out e-mails that say LIKE MY PAGE. If your single minded proposition is strong enough it will sell the brand page and your strategy will be original finding a place in your online community.

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