Monday 18 March 2013

Does my business need Social Media?

Does my business need Social Media?
Step 1: Defining your target market.

A lot of companies have a social media platform for their Customers and aim to get as many possible likes. The question still remains why? If I’m a Traditional healer in Limpopo, what affectivity does my social media have on my target audience and is it even meaningful.

The target market of the medium used will greatly determine the effectively of the medium. The needs of the target market will also establish the content that needs to be placed on your social media, if it is even needed.

How to determine if your business needs social media:

As said before, the target market will greatly determine the need of social media. The demographical characteristics will first determine the target audience. Where do your target audience live? In cities or in rural areas. What ages, gender, monthly income, education level would best describe your target market? All of these factors will have an impact on the media usable for the value of your social media.

Deeper aspects such as tradition, culture, values and motives also plays a role in this. Some people feel frightened with the idea of social media.

Feel free to put out some questionnaires for your clients to do research on their needs. Ask them if they are on social media platforms, how often they use it, and for what reasons whey would want to have you on their Facebook.

The message that you would like to get across to your target audience is also very important. Don’t say something if people don’t care about it. When considering Social media as a medium, always consider if it is the most effective way to carry messages across.

More tips to follow!

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