Sunday 14 April 2013

Social media tips

Here are a few pointers to get you started on social media. Hopefully after reading this you will realize the importance of a strategic approach. More in detail descriptions of some of the topics that I touched in this article will follow:

• Always think first if the post you made will draw your attention.

• If something is not part of business, do not post it. There is nothing as irritating as a company that tries to be funny.

• Keep in mind that all types of people read the post.

• Do not start every post with the same words like “what is your…”

• Talk about context bound news /events. If you company won a prize it will be old news if you post it a month later.

• When posting a question. Think of the question before you post it, if the answer is obvious, and there is only answer, why you post it?

• So what? Why should the audience care about what you are talking about?

• Think about sensitivity. Do not make sexual or offensive posts. Be careful what you post on days like Sundays.

• To talk about something simple sometimes attract many comments, but that does not necessarily mean that the post is good and that visitors will revisit.

• Elicit debate, but before you do it, think clearly if you can manage your post?

• Is your post professionally?

• Do not mix language! Even to fit the audience.

• Post maximum 1 post every 4 hours.

• Remember the purpose of media: To educate, entertain and inform, so the site and your posts should cover all three of those needs, not just one.

• Try to take your own pictures, make your own memes and cartoons.

• What you posting, that’s who your company is. Keep that in mind.

• Never delete a comment or post someone made on your social media except if it suppresses the basic rights of another human being.

• If negative feedback is given, react professionally. If you don’t have the information contacts somebody that can help you right away.

• Remain calm on social media, do not be aggressive, it shows that you're not professional.

• If there are different people working with social media, the tone of voice should always be the same no matter who makes the posts.

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