Tuesday 23 April 2013

Getting direction

Step 2: Social media Strategy.

I previously uploaded Step 1 on how to define your target audience. If your target audience has the need for social media as a communication medium your Step 2 will be planning your Social media strategy.

A social media strategy is a systematical plan on how you will be managing your social media. I got some of this information at http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/5-easy-steps-to-a-winning-social-media-plan/

#1 Pre-requirements: Make sure the rest of the company is aware of your social media and the contribution it will make to your company. Remember, social media is not just about selling your product or service, its about selling your brand and building relationships with the consumers so that you will become their favorite brand to whom they’re loyal.

#2 Determine the goal you want to accomplish with social media: Keep goals relevant and give a date for the goals to be achieved. If you want social media to also be part of your marketing plan, incorporate it into your social strategy so that there is scheduled times for announcements on specials, promotions and seasonal advertising.

#3Create digital contacts and content: Its important to follow people/organizations in your trade than contribute to your organization. Subscribe to blogs in your industry and make a list of influences who are relevant to your business. This will help you to see what people are talking about in your specific field and identifying some general problems with a product or service that may be a business opportunity for your organization.

#4 Get interactive: Participate in the conversations on a professional level. Post, tweet, blog, comment and reply on demands of online users. (Post consequent though and only when needed.) Follow the guidelines: “Social media tips” I posted earlier to help you know how to post. By posting regularly and consistent, answering and getting into dialog with users, relationships are formed.

#5 Adapt: Tools like page analytic gives information about the amount of views a post generates and helps you point out peak times for posting. New likes are also an indicator of an online growing environment. Adapt and review your page on weekly basis to point out faults and improve the overall page. More tips at Marketwire.com.

Sunday 14 April 2013

Social media tips

Here are a few pointers to get you started on social media. Hopefully after reading this you will realize the importance of a strategic approach. More in detail descriptions of some of the topics that I touched in this article will follow:

• Always think first if the post you made will draw your attention.

• If something is not part of business, do not post it. There is nothing as irritating as a company that tries to be funny.

• Keep in mind that all types of people read the post.

• Do not start every post with the same words like “what is your…”

• Talk about context bound news /events. If you company won a prize it will be old news if you post it a month later.

• When posting a question. Think of the question before you post it, if the answer is obvious, and there is only answer, why you post it?

• So what? Why should the audience care about what you are talking about?

• Think about sensitivity. Do not make sexual or offensive posts. Be careful what you post on days like Sundays.

• To talk about something simple sometimes attract many comments, but that does not necessarily mean that the post is good and that visitors will revisit.

• Elicit debate, but before you do it, think clearly if you can manage your post?

• Is your post professionally?

• Do not mix language! Even to fit the audience.

• Post maximum 1 post every 4 hours.

• Remember the purpose of media: To educate, entertain and inform, so the site and your posts should cover all three of those needs, not just one.

• Try to take your own pictures, make your own memes and cartoons.

• What you posting, that’s who your company is. Keep that in mind.

• Never delete a comment or post someone made on your social media except if it suppresses the basic rights of another human being.

• If negative feedback is given, react professionally. If you don’t have the information contacts somebody that can help you right away.

• Remain calm on social media, do not be aggressive, it shows that you're not professional.

• If there are different people working with social media, the tone of voice should always be the same no matter who makes the posts.