Monday 19 August 2013

Vary your mediums
Here is a simple demo of using different mediums for your social media:

Simple posts:
Start the marketing of any event of by making simple posts to present your message. Give as much information as possible trough to your users by just making posts. These posts can be accompanied by an external link to other relevant pages or websites. Anything that can give a post more information can be considered as more interactive.

Video is the future because of the lazy audience created by online media. People don’t like reading. Are you still reading this? This information even if it is not visual, can be presented so much better with a video. The good thing about video is that you can use text, visuals and sound to get your message across. Overall video is just more interesting. Videos can be uploaded though youtube or just as a video on most social media platforms using flash.

Voting pall:
People like to have their voice be heard without putting in too much effort. By choosing a light topic to which most listeners can respond, you can create a great participating and  responding audience. When for instance you own a blinds and curtains company, one can post a poll about the weirdest thing your followers have ever seen through a window.

Voice note:
This is especially great for short interviews of news related stories that you want to be published on your social media. A voice note can give a good description of some event that took place or a detailed description. Sound can be loaded onto hosts like Soundcloud and be shared via Social media.

The power of visual:
Visuals add character to a community post or to attract attention. Make sure pictures have your company’s look and feel so that the message can be spread more effectively. Visuals can explain an event, illustrate something or start a conversation. Visuals are very effective because most internet users will be attracted to graphical material than reading another text post in their feed.


With hashtags on both Facebook and Twitter, you can now easily get more exposure for your messages by adding a relevant hashtag.

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