Tuesday 23 July 2013

Vine is taking over

Some of you may have heard about the new social media application (app) available on the web called Vine. Here is some clarification about that you can do with the app and if it is needed for your businesses social media.

Vine is originally owned by Twitter and is a app that allows you to upload 7 minute videos to the web and share it via Twitter. The app opened in October 2012 and is starting to get more popular; so much so that it can be seen as a marketing tool.

Vine has 15 channels or categories in which you can submit or explore new videos.Vine is currently being used by big companies like Nissan and Honda and is on the forefront of viral marketing. Because so many consumers use their phones instead of  computers to access social media, this makes the mobile app a great marketing tool seeing that in South-Africa there are more people that have a cell phone than people what have a home. 

Organisations that visualize their marketing like to show what they are doing how something works or what a certain product can offer. In this case a video can be a very interactive way of advertising the company’s assets. If this company happens to have a Twitter account, it makes it easier to spread the video on social media to allow it to flourish.

Examples of companies that can use this as a marketing tool is: Extreme/outdoors businesses, inventions companies, Arts and entertainment companies, a theme parks or a lodge.

To learn more about this app or download it, go to https://blog.twitter.com/2013/vine-new-way-share-video and upload your videos. In the past week more than 20 Vine videos have gone viral, imagine what it could do for your business.

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